10/06/1946-CC-Minutes-Regular,28 The City" Council-mey, ola this date members present were--«I,®ivrst rl.J.3raWLI t' or ?ro t. i L® s '_-Td Pre.al din& The minutes of the previous mee.tiz,v: lagei•e 1'ecc =Lg) The ferst business to attend to was the reading of the monthly aftQr being rez a motion was made by- J.Lo.Horst and sec. b„ n.J Iaro ^on : : b:: 1.4:, 4 :t,1a ; tc, 14L,6.38 be allowed and ordered paid® tdo+_.i011 carriIec.a, Other busiz, s i ssscussed by ,council, and al ter a motion was made tV H. D® Cooper 61d sic. r v. d= ' o ro,:.z +,1:tt the council ajourn. This motion carried„ a w Sec. Sept® u-1946® The City Council met in a regular session, members present were J.L®Borst-- H.D.Cooper- A-J&Drown. Business about several different As i things in regard to the city was talked about. ,I Signed. kavor Uct-6th-1946. The City Council met in 'a regular session on this date members present were=- J.L.Horst- A.J.S - HeD&CooperNiNNNNNoaooNI ® e - E®E.Pate--Idaypr T®C.rlilson presiding. The minutes of the previous meetings mere read and approvede The first business to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills,a.fter being read and disscussed a motion was made by L.M. Beeman and see. by E.E.Pate that bills amounting to - 6.56 be allowed and ordered paid., exeept a bill of Jack Hollingworth work on Diaintanier. 14:!` ; 1_ The Mayor and council instruct H*D*Cooper to try and sell old grader no price set,just get the best pricould. No other business to attend to a motion was made by Aisle Beeman -.and sec. b.Y E.E®Pate that the council ajourn. 100 Signed ---- - Sec. Af