11/18/1946-CC-Minutes-Regulart�41�19 , The City. Uouncil met In a rpoUar aession, members present wer°e� H.D. cooper � E.E.Pate and A.J.ErownT.G.Wilson or presiding. The dca �3, d itY� tie y�n� fell: �ntin � p� �,t t� ht& i Got in nd out of Ganger, after a talk. with hifil, the wayor aria ounacil.advieed with him to investigate whether or not lie would have to got e permit from the rE.111road coxmissLon to operate on bighwFq and out of Sanger,, then return and they would talk to him stout he Gity permit. i�t�ert�,zi �f interest t,� t�i �aelf�e �f pity, t�LLd. et then a motion was made ty �JoB vn &nd sec® by E.B.Pate that the council n� t,ier°ried. l`?�e Gity �� .ail t ��� ����e date m����,r� pre�e�a ez• g��Pat�® t, thLt bills emounting to 1207.44 be sliowec and ordered peid, This otio carried. Next was some re of tion tea be adopted by The City council for the State flighway de rt eat®after° di eusin a motion wCas made by H.D.Gooper &MCi sees bye JvL. I r t that the rezolutions be adopted. This moti n carrled.� Re calr tion Ott ch d P � ;� U9 No other business to attend to.a motion was made by P. .Pete and sdce by H.D.Cooper that the council ajourn. Carried, ard. ity Of � er. oV-�l �1,1 46