02/17/1947-CC-Minutes-Regular1'ne City Co nc i1 met Ii aret"ar session on the above date members resent were®� J.L.Horst-- .J.brownW® H.D.Cooper®- i.h.Pate- with T®C. VViison presiding. The minutes of the previous m� .etinb Yrtlere reac. a.d approved. The i°ix°st business to attend. to ��s a��1:�catLota fxotra Jo�� � i��.cla® oIzonpa6kirig the couiAcli for permission to }giant pecan trees in frorx of City Hall, aiso around city Lot,, &nd PaArk, tree council granted liar this request. tUe�:t was i�r® J��cl� F�rool�s,nsl�in� flee council to re�a�ild trre el�ctr•ic Brae to his lace swath of i6lcijanlei hatchery, after they h�ac a talk with the electrici.anor. Everly, they decided to give hire a new line as soo.4 as po s(i tle. 7'l-0e a.dc+in of n e�trna_ � Co��er wire to �o�a,var to Piave e+ra. service to Bolva.r oto s etc. was discusseu ,... 2 eciced to the ol�. i`lo ether° business to tuna to s. m®tion ���s ma.c�e by �:.E®��:tc � c: sec �y �. J ®L ro vm that the council aJ ourn. Sec itch-Zr°d-1947 the City Council met in t;L re,�,,Ula.r session on the above date members pr°ese t were - J.L�.klorst :.�`.Brovjn® H.D.Goopera Aaaf r t i 5baar� The minutes of the i previous meeting gas read d approved. T he first business to c e before the co cilof the monthly dills® a.fter° bei��. �e�a � motion Baas made by J.i�.�iorst and sec,. by k,.,J..broom thiet bili.s &mounting to ®� 212C.29 be allowed �€Indt ordered oai a. Other city baseness was disscussec3® "L'iaen a. motion was maces by l, f,L I �oon er d sec ® by � . J ®hro wn tha.t the co cil �� Darn. r