03/03/1947-CC-Minutes-Regular' ��17��191417 the Gity Gaunc.il Bret iii aee,ular ses�icn on the above dk to members prevent were-- J.G.Horst®e iI.J.hrowwna IH.f.Gooper°- 1.h®Pate- vilth T®O.Wilson presiding® The rainutes of the previous mnetirrb T4,rere retie~ �.nd apprcved® The first busa mess tc attend t� was an �appl is 4� q3.c clsonjasking the couircii for permission to pint pecan trees in fron czf Uity Hall, aisc around city Lot,, &nd Para, the council granted him this rer,uest® iVext was �°. Jack �rc�e�s�askira�; the cpur�ca.l t� re�uila tie el�>ctr°ic line to his place south of iViclian1ei hatchery, after they hs.61 a talk with the electrici ,tYlr® v rly, they ciecice� to give h' a new line as '500'L1 as POF'61LIe® ®J.browm that the council ajourn. See. m ®® 2 ch-3rdl 1947 T'he Gity Council met in a rebul�.r se6siIo:a on the above date members Pr$eae t were - J.%.�Iorst � .J4Browna- H.D.Gooper- aypr Proem, r l ® The minutes of the previous meeting was reea and approvea. T'Y�e first business t� c e bsf�r°e the c� oil was the reaGiin� e?f the monthly tills® s.f"ter° �eih ��ac� s �a�ticn was :�ac�e ty- J.i.f��r°st an sec, s.J.,6ro wn that bills ® tin to.`44l2G, 2G be allowed any ordered palda® Ether city business was disscussea® Then a motion was made by�.1"�3,opex act sec ® �y � . J ®�r� �n that tine cep cii a� ®urn. ignea® Meyer.