04/07/1947-CC-Minutes-Regularrid see. by J ®1 ,1-1or°st that the co ° cil biourn. Carries aril®7®ie 79 The Ulty Uou cil met in are6ul&r° ses6lorl.member e present v-rere ® +Lrov.)a. i® W ate® ® ®gee G.ra E.E.Pat.e,l kvor° T.G. Vd1son pre adir The ira tes ®f the re i as eetir were reach k .ac Canvalling of election returns MAYOR HB TOON - 154 GENE HUGHES - 52 COUNCILMEN EE PATE - 105 HD COOPER - 163 AJ BROWN - 114 LEROY KEMP - 51 HW PERRY - 65 RL KING - 94 Ff ter° this was attended t _ ayor '1'®C.'Yd lson swore '.a the new lu, yorA fi®b.loon. 14ext Was a Mot*Lo a to.r , tart s s as c e poss.itle bFmotion 'kLmJ.brown an6 sec by J.L.Horst. Thin; carries_;. 61 neci. .EYrsyor. 49 L_