04/21/1947-CC-Minutes-Regularf'he Glty uouciull met In re48UU .Lr se6SIO i on the above date,memuerz present vwere-- E®..Pate®® zD.C'.,000er with a cyora H. L. Toon p re;Ac n6. The first business to attend to,wa5 the Vewv Mayor getting acluainted waith the council etc. Them t�l�ira� on d_if f gent thins that sho _ d t>e done fir tine oo f the city,one in p rtic Lr ways haven bebertz Implement Co. move implements off of City Lot, the council feeling thc&t they had used the lot long enough® The sec. was inaructed to tell, them zhout it® T'he ��ire l�ept4 v�ss newt sut�eot to t�.k on, �i®L�®Goo; �r �,�.e motio�� no E.E.date sec. the motion that a 816nal be given by the blowing of s? ren .b�i central, vin .2 blest when the fire is in the Ao.°th part of tovv ,and b birast when it is' In south part of' tc wn� This carried® a,V�t as the ���poir�tm�nt of° pity mploye�s f°or the oor��i�; ��r 1�4°���4�s !'- wa3 ely Eir�t Gor�a�isior��ers�® �dor�t Go®der® Water & Sewer s ®® Pate & brown. Fire Dept® ®® Cooper Gity. ec® GrGrow50L40 Electrician E. Everly Fire Chief. Jan, as Re&ay . Fire iciar6'hall oy" pratt® City luarshkili y k r. Ln i r6qm ®s E.H.E-azk Ghiefa JQ'r#,®Gcog ins®A& G. btricklin. btreet Go missioner.® n. L. tdooperm Pt rxk eg �® h. D. "=ooper® ia�rlor Protein, 04 No other vuslne��;a to attend to a motion was made by H.D.Cooper 6 6ec. by J.L.Horst that the coliancil ajoum. Curried.