05/05/1947-CC-Minutes-Regularladay®5th�1947 ® the Uity %jo rcil met in a,r°eE�uLar session, e Ders present were®� J®�.iorst�®®4'ate�� ri®®t�ooerp �,.Jarorr�@ tdayor_ H. B. Toon prebialag. The minutes of the previous meeting were red and approved, [he, first bueiness to come before the council was the reading of the monthly bil1s,after being read by secretary a motion was wade by and sec. by h.1). Looper°, that billbillL amountingto 3155,09 be allowed and ordered- Paid. This carried. Next was a disscaszon about paving of the streets, after talking Tj osi this sazbject a motiou spas made by a.J.broi�n a d sec by J.�.41orst that the city get Ur® alcfiurray and Tuill V�%ughn to measure :lots etc. to get ready for palling streets. This carried, meat before council was the Mayor readint, a letter from one of our" citizen s, ask i ne, the council to do somrthing about, Lee Amyxs tan wagon distributing Gas from one container to ether° one,a.ad also parkwi ng true on street etc® The 1iayor sale he Gould talk to igmyz about same. No other bazsineas a motion wa.s made by H..".Uooper and sec. by E. B. a ate, that councli aj ourn. Gar°ried. i ned. City Of &n6er, T,e a s9 r� 14ay®12�1947 . TI The Gity 6ounoil me on this date members present weer _ JHPrst9 .,U.Uooper_® .E.Prate_® k-.%T;.brovaa, Mayor H.B.Toollb r°ea dfnLg. to t'he ®bj act of the meeting was to decide hog to o property owners to het the �aoney,for Taavira� irr fro�rt of" their �roer°ty. after a tale on the matter, a motion was grade by J.L.Horat and sec. by . E.?at that the co€rncii have a roll call vote as to whether the city extend cre LL to the ones that can not pay at once, the counc.Ll voted as followse J ®Horst voted no.�_ H.D. ;ooper voted yes- E.EoPate voted yes. a.J.Brown voted. no� the wade being tied the W&yor voted yes to untie voted after the vote the council then t .. fed on how to approach each orier etc. aext a motion wWaa iaade by E.E.Pate and sec. by J-.7W.Hor5t that the council ajourn® This carried® Signed. Mayor.