05/12/1947-CC-Minutes-Regulari y®5th®1947® the dity kjolancil me in �re6-E, ,r sea; on.members rezent were�� n®E®Looper�.m t�.J.bro n. ayor� H.B. loon prebidi�n, ® The minutes of the :previous meeting were read sand approved® The first b�u,51ne6Q to come before the council waa the reading �f the monthly bill � af'ter tieing read by secretary a motion was � � g � Radeby ®J®�rso�m�n and xa aec® by h.D.Loor�,t �t bill amounting to 3155.09 be allowed and ordered paid. This carried. i`�e�t ��as � disc°;r�ioxi about ��a�ii:°�� o:f t;he �treet�, of°tex° t�l'�i��n ozi thl-5 aabj ect a motion waa made by �,.J.Brown and aec. by J®.L.Ho st that the city get Ur. 96jaurray end Trial W�ud, to measure lots etc, to het reakv for paving 5treetz. Thie carried, i�e�t bf`ore co�ci,�. �.� the mayor re�din� � letter f'roi� one of oar: citi�er� ,a kir� the council do somrthing abort, .Lee .uiyx,o tank wagon distributing 8as from one container to another onc,end- also arkong truck on street etc. the mayor said he vaoula taik to 11any ' about Bame. . E. Pate, tilrat counci:i aj our°n. w;1.r ried® ikzned® City 0z 4o{ der, `exa,�. The Ui.ty Uouncil met on this date members pre -sent ere�� J>E. r t� i g U.Uooperi,.E,Pate�® k.J:.br°oyan, Mayor H.b®Tooke ire,9iding. I 'he object of the meeting was to decide hoer to o to aoroerty owners tc� het the r�c�.�y�f"or° �i��� in froxat cif tr�ei.r° �ro�aer°ty® t�ftr� f, on the matter, a motion waz made by J.L..Horst and sec. by E®E® Pate that the council have a roll call vote «e to whether the city extend credit to the ones that can not day at once, the council voted as follows J.'J.Horst voted ao.�H.D.Uooper voted yes E.&Pate voted yes® ft.J.brawn voted no® the vote bein6 tied the IA&yor voted yes to untie Mote® after the vote the council then taikeci on how to approach each owner etc® 4e t a ot'o � � �i cie by ESE®Flo tala sec, by Jmis® or t that the council aj ourn� This carried.. Signed. Mayor. Sec® �osr�