1'he Clty Co cil met in a re,ar session on the aboi7 e date members
present Were JOUGH�lr,t�� Al.®�vri ®bro®. ooper�� &.D.uE.PLte &nd Meyor
4k,.l'ooaa pre-5ic:_In6®
ringing before the councli a, price fur the paving of Eo.Live.r btreet west',
the price being; 2876.00 for U56 Feet from highp�.ey west. After this the council
tal'�ed on the m t er°,aad fi.n&liy decide& to het more inf'orr��tiaan on project.
���t �� tis,� ��a��tiorb �f' t�il5ira� �a liras t� �n�b a��;h� mach ��� r��t•
oalth of the city96 line running east of towng Gounellman (fort giving
n estimate of 41baSO as a veer cost of line, alter EL to lk on thIS
o tion vi ,;�; made t-y H.D. op r and aec. by �k.J .Brown that the iine be built.
ad that a conctra:c;t be ar %n between Jno® hugh .�: and the City of 6aager
t tin ,th t the ri ;lr 'ki11 to be per monthp n t l€s5 than 7®00,and the
line would be used for five y r;ratgbmd"thatthaa hes vd to furnish the poles
na dig holes for zarae at his csoste ThIa carried.
to do?"ter this v¢�.6 t kEd on a motion vaa ffif 5oe by H. I. Gooper anc. sec, by-
E. E. Pate that this 1a ne be k ' It. Ldarriea,
y k,. .Uo(7jper thcat tine co nc.l a ourn® GQrriec/
�ignec.�ity �f ��ra��m ti
l'h� clt c;��rzc:i9! met in r�gari�.r ���;ion ors the )ve date, member�
present ar�� y®a�g�-�or�t�� ���:�op��°�� �®'�3��t�a� �®��br�v,,n v��t•r �®�
'oon pr Sido ng9 ;I'h e min� of the pry Ioaa meeting were readn
`l'he first buine��;5 tD r�ttenra. to waL� the ruing of' the morrthy t:�li5,
at lilt amountlarz to be alloweo and or6ere phi. Carried.
ltie« t Fvusiaez5 we� the „?ppoint??1.,�, fo oar[le one to take the piace i7fa
ro`val ti1��t ®i � da4 aae 4F pEpoir�te a s a co cili�a�a:n to take J�.. 101.j3 °E3i ans plaee
!I b appointraent V�J a.) an lizia6v t ck rrlea_a
)�o ether usiae5s ill importance �-4 motlt:n wa6 rflade by 4 ad 6eyu. by
.J .bravn t1afat the couxticil uJourn, CzrxrieQ®
dyor. .