06/16/1947-CC-Minutes-RegularT' GTty, Council met in �* reLular session,.members $Oresent .ere® H.D. Gooper.Mayor Fa. t. Toon pre5icang. The winutes of the previous meeting were reset &nd approvea. The 11r6t busine6s to attend to was the Mayor 61ving the oath of office to .1114.,4�cker,he having been appointed a councli In the pl4ce of halring moved out of City. hfter tlx: oath lie vcss decTsreo. a co cilm4;Ln. Ae t wuas the mayor rappointin�6 c&n eq'UUI!; tlon boa$a he naming fi rve hzeli m ar1Ci These Hers vrere approved ed the council k�lte.r ttLL<Ing street p&vla6 f9r &,.ulte s vdhlle,a motion was maiae ' by . �. pate &Ila sec. by J.Ij.horBt that, tlhe council aJ ourn,. Gsrriea. i erg era City 01 zra er, 6ecC Juice®i8 th1 l'� 47 . ..mot a ca1i meeting on the above date, of the city council., Street Gommissioe H. D. Goop r Drought before the council a big of 990.75 for black topping Yves t boiivar Street the council accepting this bid. Then ZEE L. Goo er asked tiae couxlell for fifteen hundred, yards of gravel to be put on street 2this they allowed. stet was that the money. Paz to be coliected before the co ctr ct b-e let. wad that property owners that didn,tt pay or make arangements to be left without pavement in front of their property. The above was mace possible by a motion �7ae by J.L.Rorst nd sec. iy J-:.W. rov . Carried. Vo other business a motion w&s mzAe by H. D. Gooper sncl sec. by E.F.Fete thbt the coux cil &Jourrsm Carried.