05/14/2018-Parks Rec-Agenda Packet-RegularSANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY OF SANGER PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, May 14, 2018 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TX 76266 1. Call Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of April 9, 2018. 5. Consider a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Amend Planned Development Ordinance #06-18-17 to Extend Boundaries from Willowood Addition to Include An Approximate Additional 3.634 Acres and Rezone Said Acreage From A Agricultural to Planned Development. The Property is Generally Located West of Rector Road and Railroad Line and North of Eider Drive and First Street. 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on Request to Amend Planned Development Ordinance #06- 18-17 to Extend Boundaries From Willowood Addition to Include Approximate Additional 3.634 Acres and Rezone Said Acreage From A Agricultural to Planned Development. The Property is Generally Located West of Rector Road and Railroad Line and North of Eider Drive and First Street. 7. Consider a Public Hearing Regarding the Replat of the Willowood Addition, Approximately 34.58 Acres of Land Situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, Generally Located West of Rector Road and Railroad Line and North of Eider Drive and First Street. 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of the Willowood Addition, Approximately 34.58 Acres of Land Situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, Generally Located West of Rector Road and Railroad Line and North of Eider Drive and First Street. 9. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Amend the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map From Rural Residential Use and Commercial Use to Industrial Use for Approximately 55.147 Situated in the William Mason Survey Abstract No. 801, and Generally Located West of 1-35 North and Approximately 650 feet South of View Road. 10. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request to Amend the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map From Rural Residential Use and Commercial Use to Industrial Use for Approximately 55.147 Acres Situated in the William Mason Survey Abstract No. 801, and Generally Located West of I-35 North and Approximately 650 feet South of View Road. 11. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 55.147 Acres From A Agricultural to I-1 Industrial District, Situated in the William Mason Survey Abstract No. 801, and Generally Located West of I-35 North and Approximately 650 feet South of View Road. 12. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request to Rezone Approximately 55.147 Acres From A Agricultural to I-1 Industrial District, Situated in the William Mason Survey Abstract No. 801, and Generally Located West of I-35 North and Approximately 650 feet South of View Road. 13. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block 1, McClain Acres, Being 55.147 Acres and Situated in the William Mason Survey Abstract No. 801, and Generally Located West of I-35 North and Approximately 650 feet South of View Road. 14. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant at the R&L Carriers Job Site Zoned as I-1 Industrial District, Situated in B.F. Lynch Survey, Abstract #725, Known as R-L Carriers Addition, Block 1, Lot 1, and Generally Located East of I-35 and North of View Road. 15. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant at the R&L Carriers Job Site Zoned as I-1 Industrial District, Situated in B.F. Lynch Survey, Abstract #725, Known as R-L Carriers Addition, Block 1, Lot 1, and Generally Located East of I-35 and North of View Road. 16. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Addition, Being 0.50 Acres Situated in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Generally Located South of Kirkland Street and Approximately 76.8 Feet West of Sims Street. 17. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1-2, Block A of Higgs Addition, Being 5.779 Acres in the R. Beebee Survey Abstract No. 29 in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, and Generally Located South of Lois Road East, Approximately 264.02 Feet West of Huling Road, and Approximately 2397 Feet East of Marion Road. 18. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A, of Jeff Thomas Addition, Being 0.29 Acres in the W.A. Thompson Survey Abstract No. 123 8, and Generally Located on the Southwest Corner of Elm Street and North 81h Street. 19. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amending Plat of Lot 5R1-R and 5R2-R, Block A, N.L. Hobbs Addition, Being an Amendment of Lot 5Rl and Lot 5R2, Block A, N.L. Hobbs Addition, Being 5.89 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29, and Generally Located Northeast of the Intersection of Marion Road and Sanger Circle Drive. 20. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Arrowhead Estates, Being Approximately 3 Acres of Land and Being Subdivided into 14 Single Family Residential Lots, Situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, and Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of Willow Street and Railroad Avenue. Cheryl 4PrjfZ, City Secretary S-I/./CO) 916am Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's Office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.