12/16/1927-CC-Minutes-RegularI DECEMBER16, 1927 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXACm IET IN REGULARB CESSION OIT ABOVE DATE J m C m BOYDOTUN, MAYOR AmLmGENTLE, ALDO DmRm SULLIVAN, if J mT m CHAMBERS, 4' 'gym D. LEWIS, ® CROJCN , ' An ordinance amending Article 82, Chapter 1, Title 3, of.the Compiled Ordinances of the City ofSanger of 1 , and raising the speed limit of motor vehicles in the City of Sanger, from 18 to 20 miles per hour, and providing a t Section 1. That Ar%ticl a 82, Chapter 1, Title 3 of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Sanger, be amended soss to read &S follows," Article . No person shell drive, operatar or propel any automo-bile,motoreyele, truck or other motor driven vehicle, at a rate of speed greater than twenty miles per hour, on any' public street or thoroughfare within the City of Sanger, Section 2. Any person who shall Viol&tathe precLeeding Article shall be deemed. il_ty of s misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fine& in any sum not exceeding one hundreddci arz. Section parts of ordinances . in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section m This; ordinanee shall take effect from an& after it4s passage and publication. Passed and approved this 16th day of December` A.D. 19270 Mayor. Attest. City ecret LOTION BY A*LoGENTLE SECONDIVeDLEWIS PAY J*T*CHA1,1BERS INTEREST ON ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS INTEREST AT 8 MOTION CARRMED 1 OTION BY J*ToCHAMBERS SECOND BR D*R*SULLIVAN COUNCIL ADJOURN OI O N CARRIED*