04/08/1929-CC-Minutes-SpecialApril 8, 1929 The City Council Teta in call sension on the Move date. The matter of election of officers for be unfilled positions came up and D. H. Minick was elected as City Secretory at a beginrinE salary of $100 per Fa­l -a_ ,-.The filling of other rositipns was tabled until a 2ater date. The resignation of Dr. K 0. Rice as city heaMb Officer was read and tabled. I The sanitary closet ordinance was read in full and it was moved by alserman L. L. MoYpill gnd second by alderman Ciles that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at more than one meeting be susnended. Me motion carried by the following Me: AM: Allermen Hughes, McFeill , Oil es, Real and Wilson. yoes: Nope. It was moved by allerman SW and second by aldeiman HuEhas thot the oddinarce be firally passed, and the notion awMetom. by the followinF vote: Ayes, aldermen Eurbes, Seal MONSM13 Nilson, Giles. Noes, Mona.. Thereuuon the Mayor decjniel finally passV, the ordinance which follows: