04/22/1929-CC-Minutes-Regulart pril 2 1`J� City Council met on above date continuing the meeting of April 150 The follotiaing bills were a.11ow°Jed to be paid. I'S® ao hus ell 17®50 Less par t balance due by Rus.pell on Wilson Pratt Lumber Co. - Ed Batis Jiro aline -®----------_- fa ��ai d ®5 and n 10 ®50®_®� -__4 o 7 5 ® 85 _ 050 The City �+^i re s��arshal made a report to the Council and filed a building, permit allowing J m To Chambers to construct a build.® ing on loi, ^- blac?� �3 of the City of Ran ger. A co_.�mittee from the fire d p�- rtment met with the Council for the purpose of discussing the light bill of the S. B. �Williarns shags and after due consideration, there eras a motion by L.�a[clTeill and second by T. C. Wilson that the Council refund the ten dollars aid by the fire department on the above= ra nt. coed bills `�'hi. s motion carried. The appointment of a City ZZealth Officer �as considered a,nd I ® Jo Seal reade a motion sencond by T. C. Nilson that Dr. J o C. Rice be appointed and that the City allow him his water and lights free of all charges. This motion unanirno _sly carried. l"�eilla,�t onci ,gay Clem. C�i1es that all persons regularly emc loved by the City of San-er and receiving a monthly salary of twenty dollars or more be required to pay the regular rates for water and lights. The motion ca.rriec.® Z:. L e 4I1 Made the motlan secold by 1 a'�j jlson that ® "ail on, the pry sent uperi:atendent, be er7ployed for another year at a salary of "130 per month. The motion ca.rried� There was a motion by I ® J ® Seal second by L . Z.� 4 I+sc��aei ll that JB �. rri��elle be erriployed to care for the p� r:� an the tern�s of rrizzelle's proposition as follows.` 9.00� per month .for those months than t require three mow��ings a month® =�7.Ou per month for those months -that require only tys�ro m wings per month. This motion carried® There was a ri�a tion bar I ® J ® �:>eal second �y `� . C�. �ailson that t�iF- ;amity of �a.nger �a,y t_rie fee of Ten Ualla.rs ®or 7r�e�bahership in the 11'vunici )aI League of Texas and become a member o this le gUe® The motion carried® Upon motion by T. C. `ATllson second by L < L s re clleill the Council ,Toted to appoint J m P e �~Zampton as Ci t v ., arshal and Night a„Vatchman at a salary of ;=.00 per month® The 'uid cif r ..� install the unitary closets at 2.5C per closet `r,°,a t akin up for oonsid.eration bit no action taken on this® `;Che�•e v��as a motion 'oy i�. �s ���o�veil. second by `I'. Ca �`��ilsorx that t''le contrast W�rith the ,unitary a�pp3ianc� �. for 375 unitary Closets be rejected and that they 'ae notified b�,r rr4�ir€� to that effect 'oecause of .the inferiority of the product. 'The motion C��rried® Fay agreement the rne�ting ,:;ray continued to d.��onday� �'�lox�i3 �, 3�2� pity ounoi3 �aet %�oriday, April `�, 1.9=��', continuing the reg® ular meting of px°i 5, �.nd �,ori3 = I���® A13 raerrtbers of the couoil present, also ii"eo�rs® �arret� and. �obert,,son of the unitary .�ppianoe Co. and ��Ir. meters of �a11�:s. �_ach of thF isitcrs made a statement regarding tide dry closets pur°cha.sed by the Cit�T oi' manger after tR.rraich they retired �°�hil�e the Council. deliberated on the action to be taken �.nd fina3ly agreed to notify the unitary �'���p3.iance Coe after the meeting �"r�.�,a�, ����r �, ���. There �,�� a motion by 1 � �. ��eal second bur � ® T,. T,"cr��eill that Fire Chiei° ?�oore beuthorued. to bui3d a ��rash rack on hick to ��rash the fire hose. The r��otion carried. `The due st ion of appointing a t�.� sssessor came up d the follo�aing ���ere named as applicants for° the job: Jno. �-I��;�nie, uuy �atis and il1�T L�.in. �,.`r. Haynie ��as norriir�ated by I. J. �'�al to assess ta�:es and he �aa� elected by a vote of the a3 erz�len. far, Davis laid before the council a request for an increase in salary but no definite action :eras taken on this. There ��as a motion by L ® � a t.�c��Ieill second by T ® C ® �Jilson that the ��o��lci3 r°scind the ao�®�.oz1 teen at a pre�zo.s rloeting �gGherein they reused to accept the sit Toilets purohased. frori: the unitary ��'-s'��p l�.anoe v. `�'i.is lnoti,on c�,�"ri�d. "T'he,.,e ti,as some discussion of a street light insta3lation neap the residence of ��Irs® ��rrt he�is. T m ��® ea1 made a motion second by Clem CiZ.cs treat the counoil publish a notice in the �-�.n.ger Courier rPg�-�rding the payment of water and light b�l3s by the tenth of the month® Phis r�otioncarricd. The coo -soil then adjournea. ���;JroVed �<x.t