05/03/1929-CC-Minutes-RegularCITty Council of the City of SangsT met in refular session on the above date with the fallowing; present m L.LIMficlT:��r1.1 acting as Mayor pro tern., Go ®. Fughes, I. J. Seal, T. C. Wilson, Clem C111 es' To Be Chanbers, mayor being absent. There ra�iere also preset Tai srs. Robinson and Jackson of the Sanitayy Appliance CO. and yf. Jno. Haynie® The prt�pasition of E. �® Pharr, � to white�Fras the tree, in t?�e dark at ten cents each came u and the secretary was authorized to rake a deal with him if possoble to whitewash and kale the trees at ten cents each. '�'h�re ytias �. rr!e�tian by Hughes second by giles that secret:�.ry get -Orices on property inventory blanks for use of the t.a a.ssesor :end buy their at the lowest figure. This Totion carried. The rren representing the Sanit:�.ry Appliance Ca. presented they acceptance apers on the shipment of Sanitary closets and there =vas a motion by Seal second by Hughes that corrinittee inspect the closets now 6n the tracks in Sanger and if found OK t1_e 11ayar -and sec etary si n the papers. The action carried and Go C. Hughes, T. C. 1 il.son, Be Gibson and Do H. I'll inick were appointed to make the inspection. (This inspection was made the following morning, and goods found to be as represented release properly executed.) I. r`r;eet3i'ig Ppprot�ed Electric Appli:�nce Ca Islagnol is Petrol ei.]7.a"i Co. Dr® J. C. Rice (ExIpress) Jir; Kline anger Telephone Co Highway Service CtatiCn Sanger Ph arrr°-.cy Americ-an Ry. Bxrre s Co. ® C. Stricklin Kesterson Iv'otor Ca. I1cNei11 Machine Chap Blectric Appliance Co. Chomps) Huey & Philp Hdwe. Co. Century Electric Co. fort forth Well I41.A.chinery Co. J. Seal prude a rrotian adjotarn. The rr.®tiori second by i�eo. O�H ughes that carried® LSeoretary