05/30/1929-CC-Minutes-Special'u r.y 13, 1929 `!'he City Council of the City of t Da Oil the above date for the purpose of installation of the pit toilets, with v e Be Ch) bers, Il yor° ` o Cry . Nilson, Aldermian ! e 'jJ. T' . Seal 4P L s .L.! • 1'Jl c i e i 11 P . 0 * I?u fees PP Clem tile; Pc Tiger rnet in cell session carding contract fort he. the f olla! ing prE,,_ .' l�,ftel' Cc71`1,S1Cierl�.l�; the �sr1+�L1� %ids t11_eI'e ixJ�.>S c� ZAt(�tiC:7Y'1 iJur kiughes second by Seal that the contract for fifty toilets be awarded to �.r. J.-F. Sum mers to be instilled at t2-00 each and subject to the approval of the City after being; inspected by the City Superintendent. This it2otion carried. `fhere ���_s a notion by �'.�c;Teil1 second. b . Liles tha+V the rr eeting adjourn vi.1hich rsotion carried. Ze !lam proved j �� e0 et.ary� ' Z`'r e 0 `�, a.a c.L ry 1 ' � 4A, .m I� )e''' .. °:" <l. i.... T 1. r , s e o r e `� P.: ,Fv Li are s es°I t, . rN d fire Dodd 0 C. Ti E.0 on �,�� . 1600ry ll .�±C� T'"Z"s on:Y"' �r Z' �,.,T ear,� ij�-r the Lor e a. -t-t _.. _ .. ?,. . o l e smi �.� z�;' C ® 6 � r::.�t �� i-; and 'I„ . ij. � � v .�. ;.5 o i,, ") o ,ram' `��'."^ c�., t y �.,, e ^14,