06/07/1929-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council of the Ci uy of Sange lion on the above date. Those present IN. D. Chambers, I.ffa.yor GO L. L. I, cNeill, Alderman 1. T. C. Filson, Clem Giles, Minutes of pre�rious meetings The follo�,.ling were allowed to Community Natural Gas Co. Grawbar El otric Co. L. S. Baker Electric Appliance Co. riTggs � eaver Co. Fulton Iron a�Torks Century Electric Co. Baldwin Printing Sanders nary x Clark Addressograph Sales Co. L. "do Holley & Sons Co. .pierce pet. Corpn. K. Wo Ignition Corpn Iflagnolia pet.Co. Fairbanks T.11orse Co. Jim Kline Sanger Telephone Co. 0. I'I. Gentle & Co. Foxworth Galbraith Sbr. Co Jo A. Daniel Hunter & I+IcMeill wi. A. Hopkins Sanger Courier '111son Pratt Sbr. Co. per e, 0® Hughes, J. Seal, sere read and, app?°o�red. be paid: 47.50 . 80 4.00 9.57 5.31 lei . 76 1.04 2.8 1. 34 . 42 3.10 19050 20.00 9oZ5 2C8.75 2.00 9.45 7.30 32.30 1060 2.25 5.75 5.90 59.75 There ��as discussion of �Arhet:he�~ or not the City sho d allovfb7 Vie City mower to be used by private individuals for mowing weeds and it was agreed that this should be under the supervision of the street commissioner and if used for this the man employed. by the City to run the mower should do the aork and when used on private property the party for whom the work i, being done should pay the salary of the man doing the work plus 2.5 per hour for the use of the mower. After some discussion of the Valley Viet° line there was a motion b;;� Iiug_yes second by %�ic%vei11 th t the City purchase two cars of poles or about two hundred., for use in rebuilding this line, from the DeT7rey Lumber Coo at C. 87 each. This zi�otion carried.. as a motion by TJcNeill second by 3eal that regular meeting ra' night. be changed from the first and third Friday nights in each month to t%e first and Ord %'londa;y niglAs in each month Chis motion carried® there was a motion by Giles second uy valson that thy; City renewthe note with the Sanger ITational Bank ($800)® his motion arriede ���lotion b� Htaj';e secoxzd �,� Giles that Gc��ncil ad.�o�rri, 2 ® L J � Secretary r, �. m ? e�.n f y Vta i" O d r A u .,µ i . ,� i L v.. rb✓ r..(i. sCa w ... w's e �. 'tea' k s �� .' % _.� .0 a„� a t� 4i :o """p_ �.. �.. .a, a I ,��. r� x1 (� A '�- .., w, !, °,� k-, trin r7