07/15/1929-CC-Minutes-Regular,y July 15, 192 �K City Council met on the a,00ve date all -oresent except I ® J. Seal and Clear Giles® 1,11nutes of previous meetings were ea.d and approved* Co R® ha,nders, Me LLs Cook CUI I Le� questing an increase in salary® Their requests were considered and tabled until a tirr e when all members of the oo unoil were present® The�°e ryas a motion by Hu�hea second 'oy ��il�on that the city buy the Addreaaograph now in use by them and belon. in to the First Bacti t Church, at Thirty®Five Dollars. This rr�otion carried. is residence thealre was discussion of this and the matter tabled J® Ha Fs'i z��.elle having; re�i�ned fr�sr�: t"��e j®b ®f rnoy�ix�� the dark unless r,a,id Tu4, 5C per meowing, the Council agreed to dispense Itith his services® ��r® Gibori �, �.�thori�ed to �aurcha�e rr.aterial for use ire rebuilding the Valley Vi--aw line® There y�e a rrotios� by i�u�fihe� second by ill that the rrieeting be,contwInued to Tuesday, July 11 10 City Coun ^i 1 met on 1�ove da,t e in continuation � the res�ar rr�eetin.=- o� July l�, �:ith all ,�,r�erat, al�� ��bex°t from Denton. There was a general discuac4io of the electric rate schedule and the Council agreed to have B1r® Harris of the %Ci.ty of Denton +o meet with therybefore the next regular neeting to advise with regard to the rate schedule® Thef,e aiiaa a emotion by Hu�riee second by deal that the ro if