07/16/1929-CC-Minutes-RegularCity council met on the a'sove date I. J. Seal raid Clem. Giles. IsAinutes of r ead and approved. 11 present except evious meetings were Ce R® ha,n.ders, Me Re CooaLLILd D® Davis ;nxere Present re� juesting an increa. e in salary® Their requ:sts were considered and tabled until a tiry;e when all members of the co uncil were )rensent® They°e eras a motion by Hughes second by ��Jilsor. t�iat the city buy the Addressogra:ph now in use by theta and b,elon in to the First Ba?otist Church, at Thirty®Five Dollars® This motion carried® is residence twhers was discussion of this and the matter tabled* �". H® Friz �.elle ha,vin; resi�,xled from: t"tie job of rroYirl� the dark unless paid $AeK per rr.owing, the Council agreed to disPense 7ith his services® �r'r® Gibson :� aut��orized to youxehase rr.aterial for �.se in rebuilding the Valley Viw line® There s a rr�otion by Hu��hes second by �ol�ieill that the nee.tinc be cont.inued to Tuesday, July I la2. City Cou�aoil yet on bovU d:.�te in oontinuatiorf the re��armeeting° ofi ;Tiny 1�, ryazri th a.1I {°,rJsent, also a �olaerts from Trenton. There was a general aiscus�ion of the electric Cate schedule and the Council agreed to have 111r® Harris of the City of Denton to (feet with their: before the next ret,ula,r rrieeting to advise with regard to 'the rate schedule® TIf,eT•e was a notion by Hu=::ties :second by teal that the °.eetin .adjoarn® >; �v��•eca:�•y