07/31/1929-CC-Minutes-SpecialJuly 31, 1929 City Council was called in s-4pecial session on the above date to deterrr-inwhether or not the City shtwld purchase a trunk, the oId one being in bad con:"aition, with all present excert Clerr_ Ciles® �fterdue ?iscussion there was a rr-otion by Hughes second, by Seal that the City buy a 1�ton Ford truck from Kesterson TMIotor Co®, a eased truck which Gibson had been negotiating for with Kesterson rlotor Co. Terms® $225, the old. City truck to be taken in at 0 and the body off the truck being, bought to be removed for which an additional 25 vould be deducted from the or°°ice, all taxes and neater any light bills due the City by Geo® fester °on and Kesterson otor Co® arr)_o .nting to a tot:%l of _ to be ded.0 t d from the price leaving a balance due Kesterson otor Co® of "' The above motion carried after which theme -vaa a motion by Se-,1 second by McNeill that the meeting adjourn® This motion carried. rVe mN�j� N ON Secr� try -Pug°. 5, 1929 City Council met on the above date in regular session with all resent except G. C® Hughes. 'Nllnutes of previ ,pous rreetin�-__s were reach and :a-oaQroved after which bills tot�1 ing 1, 4 1®15 'TM ore read and aqpjproved for payment. There was �, rr�otion by Filson second by b��c�jeill that the Courrcil a.do�t the ele�tric light rates as suggested by �lr, T rris of the City of Denton a copy of which is attached her e� to® This motion carried. TY7_ere uras a rt?otion by Giles se ;ond by a`dicTb eill that +i) ere be assessed a se��er charge of 5G cents for° residences having se°�tiwrer connection and 7 cents for business houses having connection to the sever. This motion carried® The above rates for electric service and sewer charges to become effective with August , 1- 29 readings and on bills due 'apt. 1, 1929® The_-e Was a rr4otion bar 111alcTiei11 second by Seal that the rraeeting� adjourn® This motion carried. No ANAN AN A City Secretary A.�Proved®