08/05/1929-CC-Minutes-RegularJul y 1 1929 Cite council was CCL ed it srecia.l sessi on the above date to deterr.ine whether or not the Cif,y shoilld purchase a truck, the oId one being in bad con ,loon, with all -present excert Clem Giles. .fte� due =:i scussian there was a motion. by Hughes second by Seal that the City buy a 1-ton Ford truck from :Kesterson Kotor Co., :,� used truck which Gibson had been negotiating for with Kesterson .Motor Co. Terris e $225, the old City truck to be taken in at 50 and the body off the truck being bought to be removed for which an additional 25 z,,vould be Deducted from the ,rice, all taxes and water and light bills due the City by Geo. Kesterson and Kesterson ®tor Co. an_o rrtin to tot ,1 of . to be deducted from the ,rice leaving a, balance due Kesterson hotor Co. of jr5s The above ,potion carried after which there waa a motion by Seal second by McNeill that the meeting adjourn. This motion carried. Secr�ta.ry City Council met on the above date in regular session with all present exce,-;t G. 0. Hughes. INT'inutes of Previous rfeetinps were read and arD-Qroved after which bills tot�.ling $1,421.15 wlere read and approved for paymfent. There was a m�otion by vlilson second by Ivlcimeill trt the Council adopt the electric 1i�ht rates as su�;�ested by Ivir, Harris of the City of Denton a copy of which is attached sere® to. This motion ca�Lrriede There was a rr�ation 'ay Giles second by I•ficTJeil1 tlniat tJ'Iere be assessed a sewer charge of 50 cents for residences having sewer connection and 75 rents fay° business houses having connection to the serer® This motion carried. The above rates for electric service and sewer charges to be;orre effective with AuEust , 1929 readings and on bills due The--_ e was a rinot ion by JIV`cNei11 second by Seal that the �^beeting� adjourn. This motion c.ariied. { J _ . v.; !� Read i._i 1i1v �`;. �° j�v aitf Se iet Yy Arrrovede LIGHT &'POWER RATES' SCHEDULE A- Residential Lighting 150 per KWH for the first 20 KWH used per month 100 tr IT it It next 30 n IT it it Oro tr It it all over 50 n if it if Minimum billing $1.50 per month plus 25¢ meter rent if City furnishes meter. SCHEDULE B-Combination Residential Lighting and Refrigeration; all Service Through One Meter. 15¢ net per KWH for first 20 KWH used per month 05¢ It It if IT all over 20 KWH used per month Minimum $3.00 per month plus 25¢ where City furnishes meter SCHEDULE C-Combination Domestic Fighting, Heating, Cooking and/or Refrigeration; all Service .Through One Meter. This rate appli- cable only to residences having an electric range or electric water heater permanently connected and in use. 15¢ net per KWH for first 20 KWH used p..mr month 32¢ rr " rr It all over 20 KWH used per month Minimum $3. 50 per month plus 25¢ if City furnishes meter SCHEDULE D-Commercial Lighting Rate All commercial lighting, heating and refrigeration comes under this rate. Applicable to all stores, garages, bakeries, pic_ tune shows, shops, mills, meat markets, restaurants,, hotels, churches, schools etc. 15¢ net per KWH for the first 20 KWH used per month 12¢ IT tt rt IT IT next 20 tt If n It 10¢ if tt n n It n 50 it It It It 08¢ n It IT n it IT 50 n It it it 05¢ it it It n tr n 100 n IT n It 04¢ t► IT n It all over 240 n It it It NTinimum $1.50 per month plus 25¢ if City furnishes meter SCHEDULE-Commerci Eal Power Rate; No Lighting Allowed on This Rate 10¢ net per KWH for the first 20 KWH used per month 0C¢ It IT it IT it IT 200 it it It ►t 04¢ it Ir It IT all over 220 It if it rr Minimum $1.00 per contract horsepower per month. Contract HP will be construed to mean the manufacturer's nameplate rating; on motors and equipment connected on the customer's v_ remises. All motors of less than one HPwill be billed as One HP. 50¢ meter rent to be charged where City furnishes meter. SCHEDULE F-Awning and Sign Rate 04¢ net per KWH for all energy used each month. Service to be through separate meter. Minimum billing $1.50 per month, plus 25¢ meter rent if City furnishes meter. SEWER RATE 50¢ per month for each residence connected to the sewer 75¢ it IT n it business house connected to the sewer The latter rate to apply to outside closets in the business district which are connected to the sewer.