09/23/1929-CC-Minutes-Specialond.ay Sept, 23, 1929 Cit Cotrroil. ,;vas c_;a,+i ed in sf�;eo11.0 sessi.rn on th e ave dt3,te for the ? urpose of setting- a 17cense fee and �lorliMurfl lirjht bill for the Dixie Shoes, die to come the week of Sept 30® After di)e discussion there was a notion by I* J. Seal second by L. L. Av+IcNe1ll that a ch:.arg-e of $�:5.00 for each con® cession or shore per vveek or fraction thereof, 4'5 0.00 %'l nimturn light bill and 10.001 service charcre for connection to 719°ht as a es-nd^irc ita If power for motors is reouired a charge of er hoi e,00wer be assessed® This mo tion carTieds -.)Vff eoret��r eo.n 'Cap I l C� ..0 *.. �� • � .?„3 J -a. '�d' � � ! )I _ .+.. a ..e. ,., _ � S � � � i' '� � e✓ „ �1 1. �. .., 1 �. � j.