11/12/1929-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council met on the above date in continuation of the meeting of r,ov® 4, same having been postponed from 17ov, 11, secretaLry reported. franchise had been granted. by cor_rhaissioer's court t to erect power lines in Denton County® Where was a discussion of business in general® There evas a r:otion by Oecl second by Hughes that the valuz ation of the First 177a.tioni .l Bank property be lawered to 0,000.00 for the 1929 tax levy. This motion ca.rriede i'herers a Rio t3or� byIu;hes sec oni by _cTlill that ® Chambers be paid one year's interest of 80 on the 1.,000 note held, by him against the City® This zaotion carri ed® GibsonSeal and B. aikthoried to go to Denton arfi urchase the voltage regulator which is to be soon taken ut of service there, This motion cariiied. as a motion by 1.1cFeill second by Wilson that the Oity ehim for 6 at thcat price* 111his motion carried, There vas di�cussiorl o�'� �aeeti the peomplea.t �oliva.r for the purpose of talking over plans for the proposed poer line to Bolivar and by aka )ointment with 7Roy 0 � t® singer it was agreed to meet them on Thursday night, Ylov, l4 th M .otion 's,�, ea1 second by IaMilUon that theeeti adjourns phis Motion carried®