12/02/1929-CC-Minutes-Regular;amity Council met on the above dGte, all resent. G &Q o Z a ^' r a iax��ious faaeetings were read and ays�;�soved, aailton, yrith tie torni final a. Coen. , r41et with the Co-ancil and den onstrsE ea his line of traffic sivn�„ls. z,r. �e11 raet with utie Council and obtained details with reference to urnishing their community with electric service. Bills araoun tiny to ��2C.9 were reed and a����ro�ed. for 1?oyment . There was dicusiion of building; the 3olivar Dower line a of several other items after which there was a.motion by 1ur�hes second by veal that t-Lie meeting adjourn, a City Council was called in s�eci�l session on the ab ete or he r dose o decnghether or not the power line would be built to Bolivar, after due d.is- cussion Vnere was a emotion by 'a'ai,lson seaa nd by 11?cFeill that the _line be built. This motion carried and there was a motion and second that the meetin•adjourn, xf x g �i,r�u�-✓cu i�