12/04/1929-CC-Minutes-Specialas'P. Ri i`1 ;Jity Council met on the above d�.Ae, all present, a_a . .z11%A of ijrevrious meetings were read and approved® ailton,Jith tae iorrli in�1. Corm., ret with the Cozncil.,a,nd demonstr�:.ted his lime of traffic siJn ls. raet with Lue Council and obta.l.ned details with re eren e to furnishing their community with electric service. fills �Zs1(Jui1%in� to �2C.9� were re4.d and �-�:�uro�ed nor 1?aymen.t There was dicustion of buildinS the 3olivar power line a,mad of several other items after which there was a , motion by lurphes second by ea,l that tn.e meeting adjourn, I r;roved ° 4. �-Y Secretary he o Bolivar. ussion tnere was a motion by Wilson second by YcFeIll hat the line be built. This motion carried and there vas a motion and second that the meetingwadjourn. 47 A rV