01/06/1930-CC-Minutes-Regular1�lea 1%� IV 29 city oun.cil u;et on the a.'uo e date in session, all present, I'Iinute>L of previous meetixi s were read and approved. There "as a motion 'a Se t second b ':ci47eili hat the dote for 4 $Ofl at the Sanger .�;Alonal Batik be renewed. This motion. carried* After �. �ener�l discussion of busine �� there as a motion by Seal second by Giles teat the meeting adjourn® This motion carried® �it�r Council. r�et on the �,bo�re d�.te, �:,.�.1 present e ue t I a o %h# J' ers `and ® A %zc auil s intztes of -Previous meetings were read a.nd a,ul)ro ed. t � cvrl�it�ittee from the Vir^e T)e�aetr��e.�t exited a reest for l ar�airs of rubber boots fog he use of the Fire boyse There was a, motion b Giles second be;; Seal that the City buy the boots as re e` ed;* phis motion carried, December bills any iinivdices and ���ier°e ��as a xa�otion. b� Seal sec.an that tkise a.11oaecl aYad laid® This tied.® There vs�&.s a, peal t.��at the r,�e ti:� A���ro�red; luere read r;�otiogi car,. ��zotioxa b :�u-ies tiecond ��r Secre ar�r