02/03/1930-CC-Minutes-RegularFib. 3, 100 City Ccun31l I1et an the ,hove :ta ill�rent.r inures of previous meeti�cris were re �d :end � ��rove�d. :Janna.ry bills <�nd in� voices were read and there was a. motion by Seal second by that bills be lovved d paid. This motion. carried® There .���, di.�aia,s5ian. of hirira�; �on�eane to �t.�y �,t the Fire Station sine e Mr. Kethley had quit the job. and Ed Lusk aq hired for the jab upon notion by?rilson ,n� secondby Seel. �s ��,x•ney C�ibsan vv,�s out same ezc�aense on hi,s air during• t_ e ;a1d e ther in : anuary there 11vas a motion by Hughes second. by riles t-b,at the City Allow him 630.00 on this expense. Thi e rr,ation carried. Tht9re ���s a, rr.otion by Seal second by 1�krilsan that an ordi� nanve be passed fixing; the tax and other charges on Carnivals and excluding roller skating rinks from operr.tion vv34 thin the corporate limits. of the City of Sanger. This motion carried end t he ordinance hich follows was plassed by a unanimous vote of "aye"" Then e rr e et i ng au j ourn. ill �r��s �, motion by �xCldesecond �s, �i�_es that the This motion carried.