04/07/1930-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 7, 1930 RETURNS OF THE ELECTION HELD APRIL 1, 1930 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING TWO ALDERMEN WERE CANVASSED AND IT WAS FOUND THAT MR GEO O HUGHS HAD RECEIVED 132 VOTES, MR RC FREEMAN 114 VOTES AND MR IJ SEAL 22 VOTES OATH OF OFFICE LONE STAR ROAD MACHINERY COMPANY ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONTROL OF TRAFFIC BY AUTOMATIC SIGNALS LL MCNEILL APPOINTED A COMMITTEE OF ONE TO SEE ED LUSK WITH REGARD TO HIRING LUSK TO CARE FOR THE PARK ORDINANCE SHALL BE UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR VEHICLE TO ENTER UPON OR CROSS ANY STREET IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AT AN INTERSECTION AT WHICH AN AUTOMATIC RED-AND-GREEN-LIGHT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL IS LOCATED EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 2 OF THIS ORDINANCE VIOLATION MISDEMEANOR FINED IN ANY SUM NOT TO EXCEED $100.00 DOLLARS :E Il ORDAINED by the City Council Or the City of Sanger, Texas as follows. SECTION 1® That on and after the effective date of this ordinance as hereinafter provided it shall be un® lawful for any person or vehicle to enter upon or cross any street in the City of Sanger, Texas, at an intersection at which an automatic red. -and -green -light traffic control signal is located except as provided in section 2 of this ordinance and any person so entering upon or crossing any such street in violation of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor an may be fined in any sum not exceeding° D( its dollars® pon or cross any street at the intersections named in section of this ordinance except lide of a ite to that in which such person or pposi ,o that &-person traveling east will observe personshe west side of the signal, observing he light on the north side, persons going west observing ;he light on e east side and persons going north observing he light on the south side of The is suoh as to create an emergency the rules requiring ordinances to IT regular meeting be suspended and suspended. a ch rules are hereby Passed. and approv at a City Go cil, this the _' -_ day .D ® 1030, with the following vote Ayes To Cs Wilson L. L. McNeill Clem Giles Geo® 0® Hughes ® C. Freeman immediately law® re l;r a eetingnof the o f .tee Tdoes® None