04/21/1930-CC-Minutes-Regularam 9 s al he fire marshal made his report to the Councile Huffhines and Craih�ford �rere presnt �rith a bid on auditing the books for the City but on motion by Wilson second by Mca eill the Council decided to postpone the audit until 1931. �.�rs. Ailey ��as liven a he=;:.ring with reference to interference on her telephone lines caused by the boos generating unit. carried.n salary of G. E. Hudson, nig t Engineer, from sixty ollars per month to seventy dollars pe.r montho There evs a motion b-7 MOVeill second by Giles that this raise e approffed. This motion T�1r. �v�c�Teil� reporee� that he had consulted �€pith Ed Lusk in regard to hiring Lusk to keep the park and wash hose and that Lusk agrees to do this nrork in addition to his present duties at the ,fire station for a total salary of $20.00 per month for the months of iLay, Tune d July and at a, -salary of 15.00 per month for the other mine months of the year. There was a motion by Hughes second by 'ilson that this proposition be accepted? and the emotion carried. ssociation xxt be paid by the City and that thes u-�tom be adhered to with regard to paying the dues of he two fire companies in this association. This motion a -• and it was foundthe City had paid all these ues in the past. There was a motion ntersection of second (I peach .. each at Willowhe intersections of Second and zzxxd Third and Willow Streets and two at the intersection f Fourth and 17illow Streets. motion cari-d.. There was a motion by KeT3eril1 second by Giles that the Council adjourn. This rriotion carried. N, #may' x pproved; Secretary