04/28/1930-CC-Minutes-SpecialApril 3, 1930 City Council met can the above date in call session zxxtkm for the purpose of dLSCUSsing the purchase of R, trl-,- tor® After due discussion it was decided to d0f#r the purchase and, there was a motion by Hughes second by Wilson that the meeting ad journe This motion carried® � ppr®edp ecr°etary City Ccunci rnet cn the above date tc css the purchase of a bookkeeping machine and after some discussion V.:Ie-re was a motion by Freeman second _ by McNeill that the City purchase a Sundstrand co � keeping machine for 0-00 with the option of pay® ing cash in thirty days cr® on installments in 1 months. This motion carried. Ppr° / a� _ ecrear°