04/29/1930-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 23, 100 City Council met on the above date in call aee ion zxxtkm for the purpose of (11scussing the purchase of Pr tr<-- tor® After due discussion it was lecided to defdr the purchase and there was a motion by Hughes second by. Wilson that the meeting adjourn® This notion carried pprcved _ r 1 ecretary City Ccunci met ®n the above date ® dis® cuss the purchase of a bookkeeping machine and after some discussion there was a motion by Freeman second by McNeill that the City purchase a Sundstrand Boob. keeping machine for 44M0 with the option of pay ing cash in thirty days or on installments in 1 riicnthsa This motion carried® X� ppro ed: �---® ecrear y