05/05/1930-CC-Minutes-Regular'C. Freeman... of previous meetingswere dills amounting to ctr %JuV7500 �rere read and there vas a motion by McNeill second by Hughes that these be allowed and paid. After discussion_ of various problems here _as motion and second to adjourn, Appr€�ved: fi, City Council met in call session on the above d e for the purpose of discussing; the movinL of the City office to another building. After, some discussion there was a motion by t,IcNeill second by Giles that Geo. 0. Hughes be appointed a co ittee of one to see Bo W. liTiller and i B. Toon and. see aha;t their lots could be purchased for in block 11. This motion carried. 11 _�r. 70tohens of the Caterpillar Tractor Co. also met `pith the Council �y,ith a vie�Y�:r of selling the Cit✓� a trt�ctor but no action was taken on this. Upon motion by 1011son second by l�icNieill the meeting ad jouriied. Secretary Approved°.