05/19/1930-CC-Minutes-Regularg FIT pr77771we Ainutesof previous meetingswere read and approved There was a motion by Hug. ---es second by Cites that the City pay for the Sundstrand Bookkeeping machine on the installment plan, ' 70 *4C initial payment and 5.20 for 11 months snaking a total of 457 ®CU * This motion carried® thertThe R. B. George 1.achinery s. ca Demonstration order for one 2 ;ractor. This motion carried. There �r�.s a motion by ',��ilson second by �r°eeman that the City rent the building for�rerly occupied by the V11hite Front Cafe for a temporary office building at 115.00 per month. This motion carried® There was then a motion by Mcll7jeill second by Hughes that the meeting adjourn® A�;prc�ed e ecretaiy