07/01/1930-CC-Minutes-Specialne 27, 1930 City Council called in session on tb e abovee daj ue for the uricose of discussing with Mr. Griffin the purcr43,se of second hand Bruce 11eBeth ga,s engine for the light plant After due discussion the reetin adjourrN,ed� City Coureilc ;gilled an session b�ve �iCAte fir f�rt�er di scussi.on of the �:urch�,se of en;.ine for 11ght plant. Th ere C;,Q 4;: inn by lils n se��nd by 1e vein tiic t th e City of Sanger purchase the Bi'muClax McBeth gas engine offered by Iir®=(°riffin for 2,730- 00 plus the cost of coils for rewinding generator -plus charge rrade by lair® B=�-ker for rewiriding or install i 011s, terTrss U00®00 coash bk lance g200.00 per month until. .wlid® This motion carried. T�iere yr�,s � zrcati�n by 'ails®n see�nd by Bughes that th e meeting adjourn. This motion carriede There � �all meeting caf the Cit,�r Craun�il pan the � ��*e date ffi° °� Griffin ll' "1t ms: orar,a^iLiir of g e�it"�Y�� fob iml?e. iou chase of the above narried Brine McBeth engmine and Fenerator for the light plant® There was a motion by Hughes second by lnisYei.11 that tbv ci tv -ourehase the unit according Itb the Price and terms ubmitted. by 1wir® Griffin. This motion carried® Aj There was a motion by McNeill second by Hughes to adjourn which motion carried Secretary