08/04/1930-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council mlet in regular session can the shore date, 'all present® �� ?rrUith the kjV _s ent Iye i V I s 1 o n met vJith the Oouncil to discuss the pcssibi.lity of the City �faner furnishing electric current for 6perating two airway beacon 1.1 glitc. in 141 and sppr cvred b Tile ® .. c®ntract gaith +he �® ecxe chine�°y the purchase of one 0 Hose Power aterp? lj a.r tc 'ether i th the necessary ordinanceprcvidi ng i zurnce of warrants to cover the indebtedness transaction inere sub i tted and co�, on ,0ti n by eccnded by McNeill t'ni s or"li nai ce as p s sed� tr ctor or the cn Uh I F'r eerr�an ?�ri�.nlolt� �e�T�c r�e���n. �r� ®;�. also bills amounting to $539. 33 wre read or payment% upon motion by Hughes seconded by 11cNeill that !V11r. E. Horst, Mr. r. Amos Breuer be appointed as for the 10 tax rediticn in the action carried. , bJ� ,;,3.?.c�n ccndad J. A. Touchstone.d bc�rd of e ua,Ii zaticn City of Sargerm `?hip .There �ra� actin by ciel ec�anded. by rreeman that all persons having past due bills With the 'ity be notified to pay same by August 11 and to dieccn� tinue service to these failin to pay by the a ova date* This notion carried® There ��r �. �.�ticn by Hui°hey eccnded by is e11 that the�tyecetary be ranted a�acticn t_arting after the fifte nth of Aughst. This motion ,c..- rried9 Union aotion by wilson seconded by Freeman the ar:eeting adjourned. €acre�`ry