10/06/1930-CC-Minutes-Regularv J w `.� o r': o ant I.T; f for disc1).7lon of valuations fixed by o tiz nd Caa _3 0''% ( n of �hi a r 1 o�11 = �t v � +ill er� W pr t � a YY. ;: o :t G n b :f p s fT's'c'..�..1 .�'�,C'�%Y'.'�a.' bar .�i `�C��r1 th to dX! a" 4 q-� � �t..�.;n 1 a, a =ror pry City ounoil rr_et on the above dr�,te, a.11 re�erit, in.utes of � irl � read ,nd acppraved pon_ motion b y CNeill ..nd second by Husbes,, bil.18 amounting to 74 CST rere Lp -roved for r_,a,yment There h�;'as a rntotion by "vi'l on second by I cEleil.l that all purchas.e orders for the City be issued or OV a' from the City Office by the City Seoretf=ry® This mlotion carried® There was a try:otion b17 1e seconded by McNeill that City employees be notified that drin.kir_ of intoxioatin liquor by then; wbi�.' e on duty is hereby forbidden. This ,lotion oarrid® by �!ilson rvoonded by rreerr=;�n that the l�C ad valoreY tax rate for tho City of aver by yet at 1%20 on the onv hundred dollars valuation, the entire aacunt to go into a sinking fund to pay off bona and wa,rr .nt indebtedness �.,nd interest on same. This motion carried® There <<�3.s motion by Hup'he oe'oonded by ,ril.son that the t,,�ork of the e�u�li�atiorA board. re a.00e�ted and th��.t th®� be riaid for their seI'vines. This; motion carried. Leon rrtion by freeman seconded by Wilson the rYeetir?.er �djourn�d -ly o v e d 4 t .P_ eo r c ary