11/17/1930-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Counoil trzet on th¢ aPbo�e da.�e pith the folloin� px eaent a 0. 0® Hughes, he T ® L. McNeill, T. C. Wilson, on, . B. Ch.arrber s, FvP,yors ,inutaa of meatins w'ere read and a,p�roved. Contract submitted by Mrs. Evalena Mayes covering 1 ease of building for City}� office as r ead andu�oon rfotion by Hughes second by ,c eilI the contract was xeejeoted® _ there ra,� a rr=otion by �yuh ea eooz�ded by +iron. that '® H. ITorwood be tLlesi on to the light circuit and allow him to ay the coat in ra'v' fai i�o��on led® ITIa®n rcotiaon by Tilaon aevonded by �u�h e the meeting aJourned. City Coun�il rret on a.'oov dteii'� h�ai�'in i,. L. ��,o�eill and Clem ile. r �'he �ur�oe of this rreetin�; a. to deterr�ine h� her or not the oha,rea on t��e sho,s ��ould reitt� to the �i�� I�e��rt�nt® °ter some d:io�saion ther,a ��r�s a. �.otion b3' �`c,eill eoonded by ruche th,°�t the ordir�anov fii�g; ohar�es on �;.rni�ra7_ be su�pez�decl daring the ee of i�eo. l to nth l�C -d�oand the a.'oove named ahoy he a�lo�ed to sho under the au�ioes of the Fire I)el�rtarent, and the Fire �^.artrrent to ;�ay for el.eotri; ser°�i^e furni?�ed the shoe. �h.i rrotiora o=�,rried., the r�eetir�� a.dj�ur°r�ed®