12/05/1930-CC-Minutes-Specialf , Q Dec 5 1� '. City Council called in special session on the above date for the purpose of discussinp the purchase of a true® After clue discilasion there was a motion by YcEleill seconded by ' ikon that the Tlayor appoint a comrri ttee to buy a. rudk Thl s mot i oni CarriedCar-ried and Clerr_ Giles ; id F. Gibson were appointed on this oomyrittee® The, meeti.nF then adjourned® S f:Z et lry Approved. Dec. 1, 1930 City Council met on the above date in regular e ion® ainute of e�riou reeeting°s rere ea and. ar roved after which bills amounting to bout 00,00 were read any jrpxoved, for payment e oept Sullivan Furniture Co® bill for Funeral e pn e of mares Pennington. Where being; no further business of irtmrotan;e the rr.eeting then adjoullned.