02/16/1931-CC-Minutes-Regular* *. • bills amounting to $301.50. nere was a FIN I nT I u 11CU e City allow II• towardof building s` � alk on sfrom Bolivar treet to the First Baptistrr,.otion arriede i7�aox� motion by lilson sevonded by Gil® the z�eein� djourned® A�ro�red� r eea February 16, 191 i Secretary �esi�n�,tion of i, oiVeill s.s alder�:e,n vas reed and take ed i thout Barth er �,oti o® square for holding a revival meeting during the month of qarch provided he vacates same not literthan Sunday, a31 Thismotion There was a emotion by Freeman seconded by Filson that Fd I�s� be instx°,.�oted to proceed v�ith the orl� o et® tinddiion1 trees to be set out in the park. This motion oarri eds Upon motion by Hughes seconded by Giles the meeting '97YOT �o�