04/13/1931-CC-Minutes-SpecialAPRIL 13, 1931 CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE APRIL 7, 1931, ELECTION Mayor WB CHAMBERS 99 Mayor GL MCLENDON 43 Aldermen TC WILSON 94 Aldermen LL MCNEILL 103 Aldermen CLEM GILES 93 Aldermen JW WARD 37 Aldermen BUD GENTLE 51 Aldermen E HORST 56 session for the purf:oose of canvassing the returns of the City election of April 7, :all -€resent except R. Go re;eans After due consideration there 7 as a motion by Hughes seconded by Wilson that the returns of the election Nudge as shown below be accepted. This motion carried. and W. B. Chayrbors was declared duly elected Tfa)ror and T. Cm Wilson, L. L. VIcNeill and Clerr Giles duly elected alderrreno "or :ayor o for Aldermen IF, B. Chambers 99 T. C ® Wilson 94 G® L. TiTcG'lendon 43 La L. c Bill 103 Clem Gil®s 93 J"® W, Ward 37 Bud Gentle E. Borst 5 fir® BeO Fritz, County Commissioner, met with the Council to discuss a contribution from the City on the cost of gravelingthe road to the dump ground but no action was taken on this4 Upon motion by McNeill ,seconded by Hughes the meeting aadjourned® ayor Cecret,a"ry April 21, 1931 City Counil rret orr the above date, all present eoet Cha :o rs, .yort1on emotion and rota r® Geo9 ® Hughes was elected mayor pro terro:re® inutes of pre'ou.s meetings ire read and ap ,roved® .ft er due di soussion there was a motion by McNeill seconded by Giles that Jirr. food be a ;oi ted City 8ar shal at a salary of 4j30900 per rr.onth® This motion carried® 'There was a rrmoti orl by reetTan seconded by rilson that 'ethley be a oir ted City ni h_t z ratohrnan for an ind finite ioer iod® This motion carried and the meeting adjourned upon motion by Filson seconded by Fr e ear; an Geo. C® Hughes, lklayor ro te.. Do H. t inic , Secretary