04/21/1931-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council met on the above date in called session for the purrose of canvassing the returns of the City election of April 7, all present except Re CO 'reemano After due consideration testa &vas a motion by Hughes seconded by Wilson that the returns of the election Judge as shown below be accented. This motion ri ed and We Be Ohaxb6ars was declared duly elected TA,rayor and To C® Wilson, L. L. McNeill and C1err Giles duly elected aldermen® fo;r , or o °or Alderrrer ® Be Chambers 99 To C. Wilson 94 G® L® McOlenPion 43 L. L® McVeill 10 Clem: Giles 93 J. MT. Ward 37 Bud Gentle 51 E. Horst 5 fir® BeT Fritz, County Commissioner, met with the Council to discuss a contribution from the City on the cost of graveling the road to the durrp ground but no action was taken on this® Upon notion bar McNeill >seoodd by uhes the meeting adjourned4 Tayo r Sflcretary Aril 2, , 151 City Council r etu on the above date, all present exce-ot ® Be Charbers, Mj yor- Upon rrotion and vote r- Geo® C® ?u hes was elected mmayor pro termore® irrutes of reous meetings were reed and approved. Aft e° due discussion there as motion by Vfi ^poi 3.1 seconded by Ci3es that Jiro good be noiw ted City $ ar seal at a salary ofC®flC per rroratrr® zxx This motion c ried® tx there was motion by Freean seconaded by Vifiilson that Jm ® ethley be a x oir ted City nib°i .t a : ,tuhrrr? for n JnU finite PC_r iod® This motion carri end, and th.e meeting adjourned upon motion by Wilson c:oonded by Fr e err. -an Geo® C® Hughes, Mayor fro tern® Do H® i inic , Secretary