05/04/1931-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council met on the above date, all present except F?m Cm Free .nm Minutes of previ ou meetings were read and approved. Bills ag,,ounting to 1239.57 were apIrroved for payment. Jpon motion by MoVeill seconded by ail un MI as re appointed health officer for a terry of two years. ft fr OcaLr di a inn cif the tro t t: th r rr,otion by 9 it on seconded by Hugheis that the City not olle t street tax for 1931 and refund what had already been collecto.d. This motion carried. City pay $1 Cm CC on the crest Lamp ground, same to be paid City cif gee. This motion ndd b; i1n that ? thegravel l road to the . at the convenience of the err i ed. T n t icon by mil ndd b Ti il7t r ffitin djourn d.. p M i n d ate, all present, f01 a dltd n of th itY S affairs. the Council Voted to allow FaReEzel m a for exper, ir. 3,t Bryan., Texaso Th ere was a mot OP and second that, elfectiv:= rare off .and r plarcd by Cm R. Larders s night engineers D. Glbson, a it Of Uti i t i es, ' ® 0 i; h tom,t ' SaaVY $, mill " 'd 7 ""11 C l iasrl cc ,rZie and U .Oon MO on and second Ij!"eni 1 :,s>e t^ ",. ay r e c r Pet 5ar y