05/29/1931-CC-Minutes-Speciala City Council met on the above date, all r ese nt except Re C. Fre rran® TJ-nutes of xorevious meetings wereread and approved. Bills aicunting to $1239.57 were apirroved for payment. Gaon motion by McBelll seconded by 'il n 'L I® C® as re -appointed health officer for a terra of two years. P I =1L iDuc i a inn the t t t t i rr_otion by Wilson Seconded by Hughes that the City not of p,ot street tax for 1931 and refund, what had already been collectedo This motion carried. ity pay $1.1,50*00 on the cost o oar SanrTer& This motion 4 ndd b i1c n that ? the gray.01 .road to the at the conve :ALennon. of the 'arrie . tT Wn rn tin by it sand b?ii.l tY rrting adjourn d ecretaxy dit3 th 1ty,S -affai . L rl rrnt i.n anj econGd th Cnoil Voted to. allow F. H®E ,1? 1 - s ° .roY" expenses i ng :at Bryan, T e xa o hre as rr+ira and second tnat:, ef-Pctive. un , 0,31, off and r lac d by C4 e Lard a right r gi ® Gibson, C r1 t r r=nt f utJ I t i e 1345 O h Davis, Chaff Fnginer2 1.5.00 e r rr! anth i alh®' Cook, i n eyr `ga t * 6 ® 1 0 19 13 C@ P., L enders, ipbt r7gr4 " t carrierd and urn rr:otioan n rl ec on(i. thoa .stir. R. Iday0 Secretary