06/01/1931-CC-Minutes-Regularl ie l,' 11 I5Y uouncil mleOvcyn tLe auovpe uaue, all- Preserat e o, ?.® C. Fred .an. Minutes of prev1OUS rreetjn ; er'e r ard r,d aoproved. B3,11s apourtingi to IW,1 '® 1. were read and e:r, trove for payrr ors pore motion by Bughes seconderd by Giles® tr23wde sgquo re, pl oinseats in the dark and free eleotrio sex ice for awning, lights. C. 7111 on and Clem qiIes Were <po n i.rt oorr it ee to see <.bout the wateringtrough .ter Leo. 0. Hughes and L . L. McNeill as a committee to investigate t Q osoibil.ity of betting seatsor7 t a to be play er. in tb,e dark Ur:or rrotio b irk% eoor e b ao eall tie rreetir orxxar!e. ,o r e ^ret,lr Y Jane 155,, 1931 ,?.01 1 Lm+® M 1;li . he ee as a Yr)ot"Lo i by I'lughe eciondesd by Freeman that the r! yor be empowered to exec t 'contract with f7, ,ar;ta Fe Railway moo6 for light ` a.rk oro s 7s:0mg. their r d p.Int of- 7wdaf at Val.'e Bui evv This motior, carried amani*n_'nUSIY. here the was a motion b v I'u C. 7 e 1 1 1 n ®- g^ s /"° q 5p'- T that t1 u Lm t/q, L 3. ,.d (e ` ' »' q Hughes . y ,3 d. 1. i ... 1 (9 .;. J,..y ✓ l;. r"'" i l< =,i " : aa+ri a e i L' ' ' 95. L i 'r ` ,2 'v r2! rF rl :: . A . '7 "' 3 V' . .. r pool tabl. l, dorrirlo table)z, Checker bo rfds, hemcI:ers, chairs eta.. for they uce of sa d fire dercirtr.ert tip. J riro t cin carried `a`1d R. C. Freeman, e h an d h..s en ipmarit. t was decided o h,v meeting at tT'i Fire Ea1.l on Fr?day. m-miberohipj in the fire agar tent. p °bail motion b. HuE';hez seconded by Giles tie '`a`',evti7'i ; udjouaCCled® Al Mayor . et<ar