06/15/1931-CC-Minutes-Regulari t Y 0ourc11. m4etor! the above d ,-ate 11 p resent a. x ceTOt R. C. r 1 ri't s of u rr tin rea and aoproveda Bills amourting to 1r,1 J® 1 were read and an{rovedj for pa r en'; upon motion by Huftes seconded by Gilese tr w sque re, placingplaclng seats in the -cark ark free electric s r orr.ra lights. C. i10r,1r=rr qiTesr irted as a comwittee to see : opt the waterIng trough and C%O% HUghes and. L, ® L® MclNeill as a corrvritte to irve +i ata he rossibility of g etting seats donated to be plaxeld in t1h,e r9 I! yv r Secret Y June a notion by Hughes senconded bv Freeman 'Chat -tho rrl,yoi, be. empowered t o execut e cont c u wl 4ii 7ar_ ta e Rai la ra 06 for 11g 6 4rir T'o S.in their rIg tof ,xay at al"ley i w. This motion carried r!arzi /-)usIYO a .L 5r v 1.xp apq ?, %-yymotion ltdpry yr IvIo'lleill ,q q S`rr✓pA.9e r,'db vHd -., 'esthat tohA; {✓ ,.:. y t ..a v '..aa. . ' rd . v : . ra . u. 1., ,..s J< , $e iz la r 1f. . ,' ?n .i ',' pool table, domino tablens, Chencker bcarc', iT:Irlo; S , heClkers, ch ai e forthe djce of said Rol f1 -r e d e-r , k« t r,".:r! his motion carried. and Re C Freeman,,, Goo. C. Hu sjeSs and his equipnrenta a U. 14M 7. , - a, tohave a °, t i '' , tii ' ' , "i t , C Ti Friday i r.. ., t,i,e" h-e fire ire do dted p Y'.b.w b 6.P. G n. t Wo or o i': motion by H "h es seconded by Gl4 , :u fi h € T;`ee t i r%d jo1:°Ted TV'ay o r e C r e t ry