07/06/1931-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 6, 1931 FURNING FREE SERVICES FOR AWNING LIGHTING WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS SHOW ON PAGE 149 OF THIS MINUTE BOOK - MOTION CARRIED AWNING LIGHT REGULATIONS THE CITY OF SANGER PROPOSED TO FURNISH FREE OF CHARGE ELECTRICITY FOR AWNING LIGHTS FOR BUSINESS HOUSES IN SANGER r, Texas F'ffective at once -the City of Sanger proposes to f'ur ni sh, free of oharge, electricity for awning li hts for business houses in Sanger, subject to the following regulations® +".'::=?STy the person desiring such free service shall gay all the cost of installing awning lights in - c1 ding .amps and. said person shall make replace- ment o.f b° ned-out or broken lamps at his own expense• Lights shall be ins tailed under the supervision and subject to the approval of the City Superintendent S ,COl TD, lights shall be securely fastened, in one sin °le lane across the front or side of the building, par ,lle1 with a street adjoining such building and shall be spaced not less then five feet apart• Lamps used in a 'ning lights shall not be of greater capacity than 4C--vla,tta Electric current on awning light cir- cuits shall not be used for any other purpose then outside lighting, no sign or show -Window lighting alloyed, and no double sockets, extension cords or othear applianoes except lamps shall be screwed into owning light^ sockets• THIRD, any person riolating any of the above provisions shr ,ll have his awni-ng ligY t service discontim ed imr ed lately, by cutting out the entire circuit on which such violation occurs and service shall not be restored ur_ti1 a penalty of one dollar is pa id to the City of Sangera FOITRTH, should there be eny case to t rhich these rues Would not specifically apply,,, then lights shall be installed. according to th.e instructions of the City Superir_tendent®