08/03/1931-CC-Minutes-Regular.Aug1951 eRr City Ccn,114C.11 net n the above date all prlsent except T�,�ayo amb a. 4 C 11,.7inut of meetinga read and ar, t..r ve and billsf ou tin ppr i b tely MO appiroved for payment upon Diction by Freeman secondedby Vc g ill . IT 11T omm ittee to go to Vallee Pand XiXXKXJCtgKkA irL p ct pool table and cthe equipment of which the Council tr xn cl th."ough advertising in the Dallas News. �- ouMed upon motion by Freeman secolnided by Gilese C* rreemGan. U`inutes were read and app-IP ovedo he. Ipollowinp4 were ap7joillted�blv the Iwy.ayor to serve as ? eoualization. board r 931: Awcewey', Jno . * . hol soil and R. x a IIUML goad from the Chamber of Com.y..e.rcefor ,, gill b oar, carried, n ��ak =n cticn � ah �Q Q �� s� r% ail �cpt �l�tic t t ilc�i �.,:rai�icr� galling for a speedy invest 1 gtion into the m ompany proi.ertys of the state. TIALS motion carried. here, motion y Giles Czred y M'14eill that the fil.ci� � c°�pt fora �ra,�:bip i t firs �ar'tr�t n{l the Motion ar��r�i y Ea i3o bloc &.A Virgil i4 .> .3�d. IS Co P. T,Varrerr Oscar IIWO.=1 Bill Kline Ray Yc(A.P.Ozndon Ross 1.Ilundui L 13 illir Jim Klifle pon motion by I crr'� ct i� "�31 l sori coae� UY 1z`ct�eill t�� etir�