09/08/1931-CC-Minutes-Regularn a C .,y Council met i , regular session whichpos pone from q t. 7, 193 , on account of 1ah r day. ire sent, ;,' . B. 4r oil " , Ili _ < IMION ill Ge o , ghes. if,;1Lnutues of meetings read and as-p. ov ; and +he i.ol io 1EICI a]Llowed upon TrOt IL c'TI I3 17 i cha lfff o` r :moo4 2049 T . H. Averitt 15010 ate . "U b r Union ? ® 5 Dan r Service Statioi lfmlb A. Htpirinns Shop 2*10 anger Tel PT)hone f4o allas ElectricSup.-Ply o . 8fff8d 1jentury Electric Co. *77 7estinghouse Uectiic Supply14.71 ;3:6 rl ggs ' e bier Aachy. . Coe al I as f"Uectric supfnOly coo F11 "1a t1 -f t vo,v 1000 1*82 Lin s whicll she cl=fim he 01 ✓ is re a?=' n1 0.1 e for has. 1v' -i..i l %' . i"s.a r ' a'r - a- ' r' ?- " g ^-i w . . v ' _ k. a 1 9, A' a. "e is ,< men , vw l€ T2 by11, s='a ' :a I C 'E a ' 31soIthe 1 1et1,Z i d j: s 'Tad 1 i. lllniolc., Sec.etary