12/07/1931-CC-Minutes-RegularDeco 7, 191 City Council rme t on the }abo e date, all present except] R. Co 'r'eerila.n. It;'1lnutes of meetingsread and GL r ro Jed. Bills of _r oath of Nov ember° read a.nd ap -)rove'_ for payment , except bill ri>25.00 preseated by Sanger recreation Club for _)artition in fire hall. ' her°e VVa. s. rtIti on bv' (xilQ ti se co IU E:C_ b,- , c I Ii 11 th ca.t received from Vti It e L s shobe turned over to the Fire De hart® rnent to be easel by thew as they see fit. This ia.otion carried, 'i'here Baas a r aoti o by ilsos seco rid ed by i u hes that tl e City lout on a pai 0 fireman This motion carried. ' ? ere vas motiotl b ; i1es seo nded 'y .'ilsor that the ; ec'y. put article in the r;a.per calling attention of the -,)ublia to la the o nlr rnan ce regulatIng traffic during fires. This mote on ca.rr1ed `Phere was a r lotion by , ilson sedc,rld : . by ?u hes ghat Te1°f .'oreiett be a : _;ointed as _.)aid fireman P ernplo reci by the rlonth, at a salary of w0.00 per month and that t'ris salary be pra from the sewer fund. This motion rxieci. ? po r10t C)r? did s C~cLJ nC't t `le yAe t3 ad oiJrne'_ . 21,19rzI. City Council met on the above date, all presee t except P. Co _areemn minutes of _rdeetinps read and ,ppiooved. 3i11s of J. I . iilfon. a 54. IO and ::pan :e ° T?otel 3.00 FJere approved for payment upon zao ti on by Mc .ei ll seconded b7i Giles. '1he:rsc was a motion by _ r3eill sec=onded b: T_±uE hes that the appointr erlt of "r. . Luis a ;_ 'ire - _rshatil 'ce cor firr ed. r his motion carried. `'here was a.rnotion by : .1c ' eill ;seconded bar s. ilson that the ordir _ilce p rohibi din pr:,bla.c dances be- ; _saed. 'ihis motion. carried and a copy of this ordinance Aith the vote is ".ecorded on page 159 of this minute boob. upon motion by 'a'ilso seconded b;; Giles the raeetinF a.djour°:red® 'va . b ® Ch,rab e r°s , !++'I . oyor . 1T. bii.i iclt ecret< ry ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PUBLIC DANCE IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO MAINTAIN OR OPERATE ANY PUBLIC DANCE HALL OR TO PROMOTE OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY PUBLIC DANCE IN ANY PUBLIC BUILDING OR PUBLIC PLACE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS