12/21/1931-CC-Minutes-RegularJec. 7, 1931 City Council met on the above date, all present except® C. Freeman 101inutes of meeting: read and a -proved. Bills i'or rlorrth of November read and a:p rovee. for payment, exce,t bill M5.00 y)resent ed by Sanger Recreation Club for ,a rtition in fire hall® T'her°eVd a motion 1e s set o:nde :. b ."eei at 1 .55 received. from s Shoe be turned over to the Fire Depart® rnent to be use_] by them as they see fit® This motion carried. ''here was a r. otiorn by 1, ilse ra seconded by Nukes that the City put on a paid fi rerun . This mot r oln carried. put article in the Paper calling attention of the -,)ubliz to the o r .r Clan ce regui.a ti ng traffic during fires, This aot2 on carried. There tea°^ a r .otion, by '{`a ilson sed ,rrdec. by uhea ghat ei'f Cornett be a.pr ointed as _paid fi reraen , amplo yed by the month, at a salary of 50.00 per rao th and that this salary be .;aid frorri the Sewer T oon r oti on d s eco nc' the szeeti ad ourrre . i . 3 . Charrlb er s , 1ay or D. H* i.,Unick, Sec ly. Deb. 1,1931 City Co{ ncil r et on. the above date, all pre er t except C. = ree En. 1 .1inutes of meetinps read and 4g:Lppioo4: d. Tills of JO 1 . Vvilfo rj 4 6 4 54.76 and SanFer TTotel 3.00 sere approved for pa-y ent upon motion by i,'mciTeill Seconded DV Giles. Then;:. was a motion by ',"c°1:•Teil1 seconded b; 'urines that the appoir tr er t of ' `a. 1 . Ie is a ; 'Fire _rshal be confirmed. This motion. carried. 'i'her°e was a.rnotion by wlcyNe-i 11 seconded by lil:son that the ordir .nce ^rohibi tairz au'clic dances be-ra.ssed. `1 his r oti ors carried and a. cops, of this ordinance with the vote is re corded on page 159 of this minute boom. upon motion byil :or seconded b;;; Niles the meeting a.d our°:coed® b . Cil:zab e is , 'i'ia yor 1 . iT. 1_ iaiick, ccret ry